Astrology has emerged as the hottest celestial roadmap that offers guidance for hopeful singletons. From making sense as to why your Libran match is being so nonchalant about where to go for a date, to understanding what it bloody means when there's a sun rising (does that not happen everyday?), it can be an overwhelming journey that's usually cast aside into the “too hard” basket.

Fear not, the stars have aligned and we've teamed up with astrology expert and author, Matt Galea to bring you the Bloke's Guide to Astrology x Dating. THE ultimate guide for the modern bloke (or not-so-spiritual being) to unravel the cosmic mysteries and intricacies that influence the ever-changing universe of dating.

Introduction to Astro Dating When putting yourself out there, let the universe help you.

So what even is astrology?

To put it simply, it's a practice based on the belief that wherever the stars and planets were sitting when you were born determines your personality and life path. Think that sounds ridiculous? Well think about it...

If the moon can control the tides and it's been proven that more bonkers incidents statistically occur during a full moon, doesn't it make sense that the placement of the planets would also have an impact on us earthlings? Whether or not you're on board with the New Age practice (I say New Age, but astrology's actually been around since ancient times!), there's no denying that it's become a widely talked about and relied upon tool in dating. You might think astrology is woo-woo nonsense or you might be a teeny bit curious, but either way, it can't hurt to do your research!

What role does it play in dating and relationships?

One of the most common reasons why people consult astrology is to help guide them through the tricky world of dating. Astrology can be used to help determine if our star sign is compatible with the sign of our potential dates. Our individual signs don't just reveal our personality, they also indicate how we think and feel and also how we operate in relationships. By figuring out someone's sign, you can get some little hints about what it'll be like to date that person, and if a relationship is feasible. And again, even if you're not keen, it's still an important part of modern dating as it's become more trusted than ever, so the likelihood of astrology coming up on a date is pretty damn high.

So read on, take notes, and impress your date with your astro knowledge.

Star Sign Guide If you're waiting for the stars to align, this is your sign.

The Star Sign Guide

To help you suss out how each star sign ticks, here’s a handy guide to the galaxy (and everyone within it)…

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

If you're after someone with a bold, take-charge attitude, then Aries is the match for you. They're usually the first one to make a move and you won't have to worry about the convo dropping off after the “DYK our zodiacs are compatible?” stage, because they're not shy about going after what they want. Though they may be super competitive in other aspects of life, when it comes to dating, they're not into playing games. If they're keen on ya, it'll be pretty obvious.

The best contvo starters:

"Do you watch or play any sport?"
"Cats or dogs?"
"Which season is your favourite and why?"

Their dating green flag :

Directness - As I said, they don't f**k around when it comes to dating and they don't want you to, either. Avoid spending too much time umming and ahhing, because that'll put them right off.

Their dating icks :

Time wasters - If you decide that it's not quite your vibe, you should communicate with them ASAP rather than stringing them along, because they won't appreciate that at all.

Ideal matches:

Aries, Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius

Challenging matches:

Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Their dream first date:

As one of the most competitive signs of the zodiac, Aries loves a good challenge. Take them to a trivia night or even just a pub with a pool table. Just make sure ya make them win, 'cos they sure hate to lose.

Taurus (April 20 - May 19)

This stable, down-to-earth sign has no time for BS and they're looking for the same thing in a partner. Don't let that famous Taurean stubbornness scare you away. Are they high maintenance? Sure, they cost a little more, but they're worth it!

The best convo starters:

"If you had to eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?”
"Staying in or going out?"
"What was your last extravagant purchase, and what will be your next?"

Their dating green flag :

Sweet surprises - Taureans enjoy the finer things in life so show them that you're a giver and they'll be keen. Impress them by telling them you make an excellent (insert dish or cocktail), and surprise them with treats or flowers as the dates progress.

Their dating icks :

Instability - This grounded earth sign is looking for someone who is equally grounded. They can't stand flakiness, chaos or instability. Make it clear that you have a sorted head on your shoulders!

Ideal matches:

Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces

Challenging matches:

Aries, Gemini, Sagittarius

Their dream first date:

Somewhere with good eats and bevs! They take their meals very seriously, so you'd be wise to ask them what kind of food they like ahead of time to help inform your decision when choosing a venue.

Gemini (May 21 - June 21)

This intellectual air sign is outgoing, curious and keen to get out there and meet new people. Geminis are ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication. What does this mean? Put simply, they love a good yarn, so get ready to talk (and listen!).

The best contvo starters:

"Tell me your best joke..."
"What's the last gig you went to and what's the next?"
"They say Geminis have two sides, do you agree?”"

Their dating green flag :

Someone who can hold a convo - Geminis love to have a yarn so you'll need to show them that you can engage in a decent conversation about anything and everything. Small talk, deep talk, they love it all!

Their dating icks :

Bad listeners - They have a deep need to be seen and heard, so if you're not paying attention or you forget important details, they'll think you don't care about them. So pls pay attention, write things down if you have to!

Ideal matches:

Aries, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius

Challenging matches:

Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces

Their dream first date:

They love trying something new so suggest a hidden gem they may not have heard of before.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

This emotional water sign is anything but shallow – they crave depth, honesty and meaningful connections. Since they feel everything so deeply, they can be quite moody as their emotions move quickly, like the tides of the ocean. Don’t let this scare you! When the storm passes, they are one hell of a good time.

The best convo starters:

"What's your comfort movie or TV show?"
"When's the last time you cried? Mine was [insert story]."
"Beach or nature walk?"

Their dating green flag :

Vulnerability - They have a deep need to feel needed. They won't be shy to share their entire life story, including all their trauma and heartbreaks, and they'll want you to do the same.

Their dating icks :

Tough love - Cancerians are suuuuuper sensitive so don't make jokes at their expense. Don't try to win them over with zingers or cruel humour. It won't go down well.

Ideal matches:

Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Challenging matches:

Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius

Their dream first date:

They don't care for flash and pomp and circumstance, they crave intimacy and romance. Suggest a cute picnic or even cooking a candlelit meal for them at home.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

The firecrackers of the zodiac, Leos have a lust for life and an ambitious spirit. They crave the company of other humans, which is probably why they're on the apps. They're a damn good time and an absolute delight to be around if you get on their good side.

The best convo starters:

"I really like your style!"
"What's your go-to spot for an after-work bev?"
"Is it true that all Leos are good dancers?"

Their dating green flag :

Compliments - Gas them up as much as you can! Compliments go a long way with Leos. Don't be afraid of a little shameless flattery to win them over and show that you've noticed how effortlessly cool they are.

Their dating icks :

Too much shop talk - Leos are easily bored so you'll need to entertain them from the get-go. Don't spend too much time talking about your work and achievements, this won't impress them. Be more creative!

Ideal matches:

Aries, Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius

Challenging matches:

Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces

Their dream first date:

A drag show is always a good idea! It's fun and colourful and spicy - just like Leos. Plus, there's usually a dance floor which is perfect because this festive fire sign never misses an opportunity for a boogie.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

A no-nonsense Earth sign known for being smart, bookish and incredibly observant. They can be critical and think they know best, but here's the kicker, more often than not they actually do know best!

The best convo starters:

"Are you much of a reader? If so, what's your favourite genre?"
"What's something you're most proud of?
"I've heard Virgos are hyper organised, do you relate to that at all?

Their dating green flag :

Good hygiene - They value cleanliness above all else, so make sure you clean the house in every aspect. I mean your actual house and also your personal hygiene. Your breath must be minty fresh at all times!

Their dating icks :

People who don't respect their time - Virgos are dedicated to their routine and won't be swayed, so be understanding of that. Don't double-text if they haven't replied and be sure to work around their schedule when planning a date.

Ideal matches:

Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Challenging matches:

Aries, Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius

Their dream first date:

Virgos tend to enjoy taking control, so you'd be better off asking them what they would like to do because they love to plan things themselves.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

You'll be easily charmed by Librans as they're one of the most fun and flirty signs of the zodiac. They quickly draw people into their orbit with their effortlessly cool vibe, but keeping their attention on you can be tricky since they're so magnetic and loved by all.

The best convo starters:

"Which fictional character do you most relate to?"
"I've heard that Librans work hard but play even harder. What's your idea of fun?"
"Is it true that Librans are bad at making decisions?"

Their dating green flag :

Open mindedness - Librans are freethinking folks who are always open to other people's POVs and want you to also be open to theirs.

Their dating icks :

Drama, drama, drama - These free spirited, playful peeps can't stand conflict and they avoid it at all costs. Try and avoid bringing any sort of drama into their carefree existence or they'll want to avoid you, too.

Ideal matches:

Gemini, Leo, Aquarius

Challenging matches:

Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn

Their dream first date:

Librans hate making decisions so don't leave it up to them! Take the initiative and make a suggestion. They're generally not fussy, just anything fun!

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

They're the dark and mysterious badasses of the zodiac, known for being highly sensual due to their connection with horny planet Mars. They have two speeds: they're either aloof and quiet or they're all over you and flirty as hell. They'll definitely keep you on your toes, that's for sure!

The best convo starters:

"What's your go-to scary movie?"
"Why is it that Scorpios get such a bad rap? I don't think it's fair!"
"I've heard Scorpios are scary, but you don't seem scary at all!"

Their dating green flag :

Loyalty - Scorpios can be rather jealous, so although communication is key, don't go bragging about other people you might be chatting to or comparing your date to your ex. Your focus should be solely fixed on the Scorpio.

Their dating icks :

Small talk - This deep water sign hates meaningless conversation so if all you can muster is conversations about work and the weather, they'll be pretty put off.

Ideal matches:

Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Challenging matches:

Gemini, Leo, Aquarius

Their dream first date:

There's nothing a Scorpio loves more than finding a hidden gem that they can later impress their friends with. Take them somewhere they've never been before – it’ll make you seem mysterious and intriguing.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)

This feisty fire sign loves to travel, socialise and meet new people. They're pretty easy to chat to, just don't be close-minded and be sure to ask lots of questions because they love to have a yarn.

The best convo starters:

"As a Sagittarian, I'm sure you have weekend plans galore! What's on?"
"They say Sagittarians are the life of the party, do you reckon that applies to you?"
"I hear Sagittarians love to travel, where have you visited?"

Their dating green flag :

Cultured folks - Are you well travelled? Good! Bring up your many destinations and ask them about theirs. If you haven't travelled much, that's totally fine! Just talk about all the places you'd love to visit to show you're open to getting out there.

Their dating icks :

Ignorance - Sagittarians love to chat about current issues so if they bring up a trending news item and you're clueless about it, they'll think you live under a rock. Try to keep up to date with the world in order to keep up to date with them.

Ideal matches:

Aries, Gemini, Leo, Aquarius

Challenging matches:

Taurus, Cancer, Virgo

Their dream first date:

They have a thirst for adventure so don't be afraid to shoot for the moon with ideas like bowling or axe throwing or an underground rave. They love most cuisines so think outside the box when selecting a restaurant!

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)

The stern goat sign is known for being somewhat of a hardass which is totally true, but their savage nature can also be quite endearing and entertaining. They pride themselves on their hardworking attitude and tend to be more about work than play, but they're definitely open to finding someone to enjoy their downtime with.

The best convo starters:

"I hear Capricorns are super hardworking, is this true?"
"Speaking of work, what do you do for a living?"
"I dare you to guess what I do for a living..."

Their dating green flag :

Ambition - Capricorns are one of the most ambitious signs of the zodiac and they're after someone who completes the other half of their power couple. Don't be afraid to humble brag to let them know you're killing it, just like they are.

Their dating icks :

Hypersensitivity - They have a brutal, sometimes biting sense of humour. They won't be afraid to throw out a zinger or two. If this really bothers you, tactfully make that clear from the get-go. Because once they start with a joke, it's hard to make them stop.

Ideal matches:

Taurus, Cancer, Virgo

Challenging matches:

Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Aquarius

Their dream first date:

This “my way or the highway” sign can be quite fussy so ask them what they enjoy doing and allow them to make the decision. They’ll probably take over and make the plan themselves, they just need to see that you at least tried to put in some effort.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

You'll never meet another person quite like an Aquarian. They're self-imposed outcasts who aren't afraid to go against the grain, but they're still ultra social and love sharing their weirdness with other people. They aren't natural flirts so be patient with them, because beneath the occasional awkwardness is a heart of gold.

The best convo starters:

"What's your favourite sci-fi movie?"
"I hear Aquarians are super quirky, do you relate to that?"
"What are the weirdest facts about you? I'll go first..."

Their dating green flag :

Giving a f**k - Aquarians are known for being humanitarians who care deeply about the planet and important causes. Show that you care for the environment as well and they'll be super impressed.

Their dating icks :

Judgement - Aquarians are free spirits who don't judge other people and they also expect not to be judged for their unusual quirks. Be curious, not critical.

Ideal matches:

Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius

Challenging matches:

Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn

Their dream first date:

Aquarians love movies but not your run-of-the-mill blockbusters. See if there are any vintage movies playing and suggest a dinner and movie date.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

The sensitive dreamers of the zodiac, this water sign is super sweet and ultra flirty. They love romance and the whole dating game in general, so be ready to play.

The best convo starters:

"What are you looking for in a potential date?"
"What's your idea of a perfect night?"
"I hear Pisceans are very creative, do you have any special talents?"

Their dating green flag :

Good old fashioned romance - So much of romance is lost nowadays which sucks for Pisceans who simply love love. Be romantic as f**k right from the first date. You won't freak them out, they'll love it!

Their dating icks :

Trash talking about your ex - When you inevitably discuss your dating history, try to avoid talking smack about your ex because they'll see this as a huge red flag. It shows how you would speak of them if things go sour – not a good look!

Ideal matches:

Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Challenging matches:

Gemini, Leo

Their dream first date:

This super creative sign loves art, poetry, music and fashion - try and incorporate any of these areas when suggesting a date. An art gallery, a poetry slam, a local gig, etc.

Angel Cards, Crystals and Retrogrades Leave no (precious) stone or card unturned.

Angel Cards

When it comes to dating, we could all do with a bit of divine assistance, right? When your mates are sick of you badgering them for advice, why not turn to the angels? Also known as Oracle Cards, this spiritual deck contains images, words and phrases connected to your guardian angels. So when you pull the cards at random, it's believed that you're receiving messages and guidance from the angels themselves. Use them when you're in need of a cosmic pick-me-up and spiritual motivation in your love life.


They may seem like just pretty little rocks, but according to ancient wisdom, crystals contain energy that can help improve our lives. Carry one of the following or keep in a spot you constantly pass to draw in decent matches and great dates.

Rose Quartz

The universal love stone, Rose Quartz draws in unconditional love and offers positive energy and assistance when dating and during a relationship. It also promotes self-love, which is very important!

Tiger’s Eye

Do you get super nervous before meeting a match IRL? Tiger's Eye will help you muster up the courage and confidence to get out there and start dating.

Lapis Lazuli

One of the most important parts of dating is communication and this crystal will help you do just that. It's known as the stone of truth as it promotes deep, honest convos.


The stone of passion, Carnelian will help ignite a spark between you and your match and keep that fire burning.

WTF is Mercury Retrograde

You will have no doubt heard about Mercury Retrograde from your astrologically inclined mates, or seen concerning posts about it on social media, so let’s simplify it so you know what to look out for.

Each planet has an association with different facets of life. For example, Mercury is believed to govern communication, technology and travel. When a planet starts to reverse its motion and go backwards, the areas that the planet is associated with also go awry. So therefore when Mercury Retrograde happens, the aforementioned areas turn to sh*t.

What to expect during this time:
  • Loads of misunderstandings and miscommunications
  • Your phone, telly, etc. might be on the fritz
  • Delays with transport and travel
How to protect yourself from it:
  • Double check all risky texts
  • Allow extra time when travelling
  • Take a beat before responding - you might be misinterpreting that weird message
Wait, there’s a
Venus Retrograde too?

Yep! All 12 planets go retrograde at some point, but Mercury tends to be the most bonkers, which is why everyone pays more attention to it. Another retrograde that you should be across is Venus Retrograde and here's why.

Venus is associated with love, beauty, desire and sex, so when Venus goes retrograde, these areas will be impacted.

What to expect during this time:
  • Dud dates
  • Disagreements with potential partners
  • Lack of confidence
How to protect yourself from it:
  • Put extra effort in when planning dates
  • Ask a trusted mate for advice if you're nervous
  • Avoid dicey topics when messaging someone and during the date
Dating Dictionary Astro Edition Unlock the celestial secrets of astrology talk and let cosmic connections guide your love journey.
  • Air signs
    The three signs that belong to the element of air - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. These signs are known for being chatty, social, cerebral, flighty, flirtacious and lots of fun.
    "Are you an air sign? Because every conversation with you feels like a breath of fresh air."
  • Angel cards
    A deck of cards believed to be connected to guardian angels. By performing an angel card reading, we receive special messages and guidance to help us on our path. Angel cards include messages such as 'Strength' which will appear when you need to perservere in spite of any setbacks.
    "Have you ever tried using angel cards? I've personally found them so insightful and reassuring."
  • Ascendent
    Otherwise known as your rising sign, the ascendant is a placement in the star chart that reflects how you appear to the outside world and how you're perceived by others. If someone is super outgoing but their sun and moon signs indicate that they're more casual and chill, this could be because they have a Sagittarius rising sign, which is why you're perceiving them that way.
    "I recently discovered my ascendant, and I have never felt more seen."
  • Astrology
    Put simply, it's the study of the stars and how the placement of celestial bodies can influence us humans and our world. Astrology is most often used to determine the compatibility of different star signs but it has many other uses!
    "Have you ever been into astrology? Because meeting you feels like the perfect alignment of stars."
  • Astronomy
    The science of measuring the movements and physical nature of planets and stars. Astronomy is used to measure time, mark the seasons, and navigate the vast oceans.
    "The wonders of astronomy is out of this world."
  • Birth chart
    The birth chart maps out the position of the sun, moon, planets, and stars at the specific time and place of your birth. Astrologers read a person's birth chart to determine their personality and life path.
    "I recently explored my birth chart and it was such an eye-opener into what makes me, me."
  • Bond
    A cosmic connection between two souls.
    "Ever since we discovered our astrological signs bond so well, it's like the stars are on our side."
  • Compatibility
    Each zodiac sign has distinct characteristics that can impact how they operate in relationships. Compatibility refers to whether or not certain signs will get on well with other signs, based on these characteristics. Most signs tend to get along with other signs of the same element, so all water signs are compatible, as are fire, air and earth signs.
    "I'm definitely getting a feeling that our signs are compatible."
  • Cosmic dating
    Cosmic dating is aligning your love life with the stars, using astrology to find your match and navigate the romantic waters with celestial guidance. It's all about harnessing the universe's energy to create connections that are written in the stars.
    "Cosmic dating is like the universe is my wingman, helping me filter through dates to find someone who's on my wavelength."
  • Crystals
    Gorgeous gem stones that are believed to possess different energies that can affect change in our lives.
    "If you could pick one crystal that resonates with you the most, which one would it be?"
  • Destiny Matrix
    A system of self-knowledge, based on astrology, numerology and tarot. It outlines your fate or life path. It aligns energies and frequencies calculated from your birthdate to map out a unique psycho-spiritual profile.
    "Have you done your destiny of matrix yet? It's like the numerology of the future and is scarily accurate."
  • Earth signs
    The three signs that belong to the element of Earth – Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. These signs are known for being down-to-earth, practical, hard-working, stern, logical, bossy and honest.
    "Are you an Earth sign? Because whenever I'm around you, everything feels grounded."
  • Elements
    All 12 zodiac signs fall into one of four elements in astrology – Fire, Earth, Water, Air. Knowing which element rules your sign can help you understand your nature.
    "Which element do you feel most connected to?"
  • Fire signs
    The three signs that belong to the element of fire – Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. These signs are known for being outgoing, passionate, loud, adventurous, loyal and energetic.
    "Are you a fire sign? Because it's getting a little hot in here."
  • Juno
    Your Juno sign represents the qualities you seek in a partner and the kind of relationship that will fulfill you on a deep, soulmate level. Juno reflects your approach to commitment, marriage, and long-term relationships. Wherever Juno was on at the moment of your birth could be your soulmate's sun sign.
    "My Juno is in Scorpio, which totally explains why I fall for those mysterious, intense types."
  • Karma
    Karma is your cosmic fingerprint, guiding you and influencing your destiny with every action and decision. It's like the universe's personal diary for you, tracking the ebbs and flows of energy that shape your love, life, and luck.
    "I believe in Karma. If you put out good vibes you get even better vibes in return."
  • Manifestation
    Manifestation is the ultimate lifestyle hack, transforming your focused desires into reality with the power of positive thinking, proving that mind over matter is more than just a mantra.
    "I've been manifesting my ideal match and honestly, it feels like the universe is about to slide them right into my DMs."
  • Mercury Retrograde
    When Mercury starts moving backwards, it's known as going into retrograde. Mercury is associated with communication, travel and technology, so when Mercury Retrograde occurs, these areas are believed to be negatively impacted. Miscommunications can occur, transport goes awry and technology stops working.
    "Brace yourselves, Mercury is in retrograde and is about to stir things up."
  • Moon sign
    A placement in the star chart that reflects how you feel and process emotions.
    "What's your moon sign, and do you think it reflects your emotional side accurately?"
  • Numerology
    Numerology is the universe's secret language of numbers, each carrying its own cosmic vibration and meaning, revealing insights into your personality, destiny, and even love life.
    "Turns out my Tinder date is a Life Path 6 too! I heard our numbers are highly compatible."
  • Pattern
    Astrology patterns are the universe's blueprint, laying out the celestial trends that influence our lives, loves, and fortunes.
    "I check astrology patterns before I check the weather forecast when going on a date."
  • Retrograde
    When a planet looks as if it’s travelling backward through the zodiac. See also Mercury Retrograde and Venus Retrograde.
    "Have you experienced anything noteworthy during a retrograde period?"
  • Ruling planet
    Each star sign is influenced by a different planet and it's believed that the energy of that particular planet impacts the sign. For example, Gemini is ruled by the communication planet Mercury, hence why each one of these air sign babes is super chatty.
    "Now that I know what my ruling planet is, everything about me makes sense."
  • Star signs
    The 12 astrological signs of the zodiac wheel - Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. These signs no longer correspond to the astronomical constellations in which the Sun actually appears.
    "What's your star sign? Do you feel that it's an accurate representation of you?"
  • Sun sign
    Of all the 12 signs in your star chart, the Sun sign is the most important one as it's all-encompassing and determines your personality and identity.
    "He's a Capricorn so he's such a hard worker and takes on any challenge. He really embraces the traits of his sun sign."
  • Synastry chart
    Synastry patterns are astrology's ultimate matchmaking tool, a celestial map that reveals how your stars align with someone else's, offering a glimpse into your cosmic compatibility.
    "Maybe you should check your synastry chart before you hard launch your new date?"
  • Tarot cards
    A deck that consists of 78 cards featuring sacred images and messages that are pulled, then analysed by the reader to determine a person's future. Some of these messages include Death (not actual death, new beginnings!), 3 of Swords (end of a relationship) and Lovers (self-explanatory).
    "Are you an air sign? Because every conversation with you feels like a breath of fresh air."
  • Three Modalities
    Those modalities are Cardinal (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn): driven and motivated signs; Fixed (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius): signs that are stubborn and set in their ways ; and finally, Mutable (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces): forward-thinking and open-minded folks.
    "As I'm a Taurus, I fall under the fixed modality. You've been warned 😉."
  • Venus in Retrograde
    Venus starts moving backwards, it's known as going into retrograde. Venus is associated with love, beauty, desire and sex, so when Venus goes retrograde, these areas will be negatively impacted. Dating can get a little tricky during this time as it affects your relationship and communication with others.
    "Is Venus in retrograde? Because meeting you feels like a celestial twist, in a good way."
  • Water signs
    The three signs that belong to the element of water – Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. These signs are known for being sensitive, emotional, deep, moody, empathic, spiritual and overthinkers.
    "Are you a water sign? Because I feel like I'm diving into something incredibly refreshing."
  • Zodiac
    A belt shaped region that has all 12 positions of the sun, moon, and planets.
    "What do you think of zodiac signs? Do you think people match up to it perfectly?"